Minimally invasive spine surgery is a modern approach to spinal surgery that uses advanced techniques and technology to minimize pain, reduce recovery time, and lower your risk of complications. However, it’s still major surgery — and preparing in advance can set you up for a smoother recovery.
David A. Wiles, MD, and our team specialize in minimally invasive spine surgery in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and we can help you understand what to expect. If you have spine surgery scheduled, here are some tips to help you recover.
Be sure you understand the specifics of your procedure before the day of surgery. Talk with Dr. Wiles about the type of surgery you’ll have, what it entails, and what to expect during recovery. Knowing these details can help you mentally and physically prepare for recovery.
Our team gives you specific recovery instructions tailored to your needs. These instructions may include information about wound care, activity restrictions, medication management, and follow-up appointments.
Following these guidelines helps you avoid complications and promotes healing. Be sure to ask any questions to understand your postoperative care plan.
After your surgery, we may prescribe medications to help control pain and discomfort. Managing pain is an essential part of recovery, and you should always take your prescribed medications as directed.
Other pain management methods, like ice packs, heat therapy, or gentle massage, can help alleviate discomfort, but discuss any additional measures with Dr. Wiles first. If you have any concerns about pain management, ask us for guidance.
Rest is essential for healing after surgery. You should avoid activities that strain your back and follow our recommendations regarding activity restrictions.
Ensure you have a comfortable and supportive sleeping environment, and take it easy following your procedure. While resting doesn’t mean complete inactivity, it does mean allowing your body to heal by avoiding strenuous activities and heavy lifting.
Recovering from spine surgery can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. Reaching out to family, friends, or support groups can help make the process easier. Emotional support and assistance with daily tasks can make a big difference in your recovery.
After an initial rest period, we recommend gentle physical activity to support recovery. We give you guidance on when and how to resume activity safely. Depending on your situation, we might have you do light walking and prescribed exercises to help improve circulation, reduce stiffness, and strengthen your muscles.
Minimally invasive spine surgery reduces your risk of complications compared to open surgery, but issues may still arise. It’s critical to monitor signs of infection, like redness, swelling, or drainage from your incision site. Along with signs of infection, report any unusual symptoms like fever or increased pain immediately.
You have regular follow-up appointments with Dr. Wiles after surgery; these appointments are essential for monitoring your recovery progress. At these visits, we assess your healing, address concerns, and adjust your care plan. Keep all scheduled appointments and communicate openly about your recovery experience with our team.
Recovering well after minimally invasive spine surgery requires a combination of rest, self-care, and following your recovery instructions. Take proactive steps to care for your body to optimize your recovery and return to normal activities with improved spinal health. Contact our office at 423-459-9800 or request an appointment online today to learn more.