How to Know if You Have a Fracture in Your Back

Jul 26, 2024
How to Know if You Have a Fracture in Your Back
Back pain is a common issue, but could your symptoms be a sign of something more serious — like a spinal fracture? Learn the signs and causes of spinal fractures to seek appropriate treatment and start healing.

Back pain is common for most people at some point in their lives. But it’s not always easy to determine the exact cause of the pain.

One potential — and often overlooked — cause is a spinal fracture. Spinal fractures don’t always cause obvious pain right away, so learning to recognize the symptoms can help you get the care you need sooner rather than later.

David A. Wiles, MD, and our team offer care for spinal fractures in Chattanooga,  Bristol, Kingsport, and Johnson City, Tennessee.  And if you’re wondering if a fracture in your back might be causing your pain, here’s how to tell.

Recognizing the common symptoms of a spinal fracture

It’s easy to assume that only traumatic injuries cause bone fractures, but the truth is that spinal fractures aren’t always so obvious. They can present with various symptoms often mistaken for other conditions, like a muscle strain or arthritis.

Here are some common signs that might indicate a fracture in your back:

Back pain

Pain from a spinal fracture can be sudden and intense or dull and chronic. If you experience a sudden onset of sharp, severe pain in your back, especially after a fall or injury, it could be indicative of a spinal fracture.

Persistent back pain that doesn’t improve with rest or standard pain relief methods may also be a sign of a spinal fracture. This pain can gradually increase over time, making it easy to dismiss as normal wear and tear or aging. 

In both cases, the pain may worsen with movement and can be severe enough to restrict your daily activities.

Limited mobility

Difficulty moving or bending due to pain can be another symptom of a fracture in your back. You might notice that you’re unable to perform activities that used to be easy, like getting out of bed or standing up straight.

Numbness or tingling

A spinal fracture can compress nearby nerves and cause numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arms or legs. These symptoms require immediate medical attention to prevent permanent nerve damage.

Height loss and deformity

Compression fractures happen when the vertebrae in your spine collapse, and these types of fractures can cause a noticeable loss in your height or a visible deformity in your spine, like a hunched posture.

Because we attribute these symptoms to other less serious conditions, spinal fractures get overlooked sometimes. However, if you experience any of these symptoms, especially following an injury, it’s vital to go to the doctor for a proper evaluation.

Understanding common causes of spinal fractures

We can attribute the symptoms of spinal fracture to other conditions, and that means spinal fractures sometimes get overlooked. Recognizing common causes can help you identify when your symptoms could indicate a spinal fracture.

High-impact injuries, like those sustained in car accidents, falls, or sports injuries, can cause spinal fractures. Repeated stress on your spine from activities like heavy lifting or high-impact sports can also lead to stress fractures over time. These fractures might develop gradually and worsen with continued strain.

Osteoporosis is a chronic condition that weakens your bones, making them more susceptible to fractures. Compression fractures are common in individuals with osteoporosis, often occurring with minimal or no trauma.

If you suspect you might have a spinal fracture, make an appointment with a spine specialist. Dr. Wiles and our team have the expertise to diagnose and treat spinal conditions accurately, including fractures.

We start with a thorough physical examination, medical history review, and imaging tests like X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans to determine the presence and extent of a spinal fracture. Then, based on your diagnosis, we create a tailored treatment plan that can include medications to manage pain, physical therapy to strengthen your back and improve mobility, or surgical intervention to repair the fracture.

Recognizing the signs of a spinal fracture helps you know when to seek professional care so you can get the timely and effective treatment you need to start healing. You can begin by booking a consultation with Dr. Wiles online or by calling our office at 423-459-9800 today.